Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pictures Of Testicular Fluid Could This Be Testicular Cancer?

Could this be testicular cancer? - pictures of testicular fluid ...

What picture.example wrong.

In 2 months I felt a lump on the front of the left testicle, just below my penis. It was the size a bit small, but Im not sure if it was cancer. I will check tomorrow to the doctor.

If this is not the cancer / tumor would be this way?
= Testis = arc oval red lumpfish

Underneither architecture of the package or no space between the testicles and the environment, but the two sides of the sheet in the testicles. Is this cancer or it could be a cyst or a swollen vain? Thanks


Narza said...


Testicular cancer is also known as testicular torsion. Testicular torsion is a surgical emergency, can the loss of the affected testicle if not treated quickly. The cause of testicular torsion is unknown. Testicular torsion detected fetal development, when the pocket protector, it does not surround the testicles in the scrotum internally fixed. Learn more about testicular torsion in the


Whitney said...

did not look at the photo, but I learn in class when you feel and it feels like a pea and is very little that could be cancer ... but was cited cogens Hydrosil (DNT KNO fate, if that right), a bag of water in which

nanorman said...

I know you're worrying about excerpts, but be brave and go for a checkup and tell them your concerns. No one can say definitively. Please visit soon. Do not worry, be careful.

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